Importance of Accreditation:

An accredited college implies that the concerned college is recognized by the official, state and other educational authorities for being an institution that provides high quality education. This is very important as if the college is not accredited, the degree will not hold merit value in job placements, as well as for further studies.

Use of up-dated syllabus:

Colleges whose vision is to instill a deep sense of foundation learning will ensure that their syllabus is up-to-date with the latest trends. With the speed at which new developments are occurring in every field, it’s important that colleges keep up and revise the syllabus of their program regularly. This will work wonders for the students in the long run, and reduce the cost and effort of firms in training them.

College Location:

This important factor requires you to do some soul searching on your own, and decide if you want pick a college that is close to your own home, or you are comfortable re-locating to another place for the purpose of your education. We assert that you take a balanced call and if a good program allows for accommodation and stay, it’s a worthy investment.

Student – Professor Ratio:

This refers to average class size a professor would take when delivering lectures. Some colleges have larger classes, where the Professor will not be able to give personal attention to each student thus leading to a dilution of study. Opting for college where is student – professor ratio is optimal allows you to interact with the professor well and learn efficiently.

Check the scholarship provisioning of the college:

Students have to think about the over-all cost overheads before joining any institute. Pursuing a program from a reputed institute can sometimes be expensive, in such cases students must check for scholarship provisioning by the institute. Some Universities offer high Scholarships for the eligible students.

Transfer rate of Students:

Transfer rate of students refers to the rate of percentage of incoming students who want to leave; if it is very high, it implies that students are not happy with college.


An important criterion that at times gets overlooked is ‘Safety’. Students must check if the college has adequate measures to ensure the safety inside its campus. If you are taking full time accommodation in the college, you must ensure that there are necessary alarms to prevent intruders out of the dorms at night. Also, if it’s a vast campus do check if the college has a patrolling security service so that you feel self-assured when studying at college.

Internship and Placement:

Checking out where prior students of the college have got their internship done, as well as the recruiters who picked the students will give you an idea of the overall quality of students graduating from the institute. Some colleges have comprehensive programs of study which allow them to get good placements.

Emergence of New Universities:

Currently, there are a number of new universities that have come up in India. These through their innovative and modern methodologies of teaching have managed to carve a niche for themselves as being excellent centers of higher education in India.

GPC College is among them, and in a short period of time is today considered amongst the best Colleges in Punjab. By far the leading university in Punjab, the institute has grown from strength to strength from the day of its inception.

GPC College has brought about a revolution of sorts with its novel methodology of teaching that centers on the growth of its students. It today is a preferred choice for many aspirants of higher education. Not only have we found GPC College, matching all the factors above, it also has excellent faculties that makes it at par with some of the best colleges in the world.